Friday, 26 October 2007

Frog Week!

This week has been frog week. Last week we read a non-fiction book about Tadpoles. It was brilliant timing because it taught us some things about frogs! So for homework we had to design a frog tank. We got some information from a website. If you want to have a look, here is the link. NZ Frogs

Mrs Wells told us that it was frog week and that some frogs were endangered. She told us a story about her own frogs. 2 went in the dirt to hibernate, but only 1 came out. We learnt from that, that bigger frogs eat little frogs! Even if they are only a little bit different in size. So we reflected on this and thought that we must not have two different sized frogs in the same tank!

Bradley's Mum brought in their own frogs from home. There was a froglet, a tadpole and a frog! He had all the right stuff in the tank to keep them safe and happy! His mum even caught flies and a moth, to put in there for them to eat!

Here are some photos of the frog visit! And also some of our tank designs.

From room 5

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